The Key Elements Of A Nutrition Plan For Marathon Runners
Posted on:
14 September 2020
Training for a marathon is not easy. It's an all-encompassing endeavor as in addition to running, you really need to focus on getting plenty of sleep and eating well. A nutrition plan for marathon runners is quite different from a nutrition plan for weightlifters or even soccer players. Here are the key elements you should look for in a good nutrition plan for marathon runners.
Adequate Calorie Intake
When you're running 40, 50, or even 80 miles a week, your calorie needs will be very high.
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4 Reasons You Should Learn To Swim
Posted on:
24 May 2019
Many people learn how to swim as children. However, some people make it to adulthood without learning this vital life skill. If you're an adult who doesn't know how to swim, here are four reasons to learn:
1. Get more exercise.
As you get older, keeping your weight under control becomes more difficult. Exercise becomes more important than ever, not only for its cardiovascular benefits but also to keep your waistline trim.
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Why Tumbling Classes May Be A Better Choice Than Gymnastics Classes
Posted on:
29 April 2019
If you're looking to sign your child up for a physical activity, you might hear about a local athletic center in your community that has both tumbling and gymnastics classes. Both styles of workout can be good for young children, and it's possible that your child may lean toward gymnastics because of the use of props and equipment including balance bars and parallel bars. You should give some serious thought to tumbling classes, however, which take place on floor mats and don't involve these types of equipment.
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Tips for Choosing Attire for an Autumn Raft Tour
Posted on:
9 April 2019
Raft outings are synonymous with summer, but many outdoor enthusiasts relish the chance to enjoy this type of excursion even after the weather starts to cool down. Booking a raft tour for the autumn can be appealing because not only can the scenery be picturesque, but the cooler weather is ideal if you're someone who doesn't do well in a lot of heat. Given that the air and water will be cooler than in the summer, you'll need to give some thought to how you'll dress for your autumn raft tour.
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